Sunday 28 September 2014

Pre-production: Story Idea: draft 01

The Synopsis:

This story is set in a world of monsters.

A monster is seen getting bullied for being tiny by the bigger monsters in the playground, typical child name-calling and pointing etc. The parent monster, who is also tiny, looks on and is distraught because their monster species has always been tiny. (We shall call the parent monster Jerry, for now, for the sake of clarification). Suddenly, a poster catches Jerry's eye. The poster advertises a bravery competition which sparks Jerry's interest and he decides to join.

The scene cuts to the first challenge of the bravery competition, which will require the challengers to run away from attack dogs (depicted as tasty sandwiches in the monster world) and reach the finish line safely. Jerry narrowly escapes by finding some pickles and using them to appease the chasing attack sandwich's appetite. He finishes at a reasonable place and succeeds onto the next challenge.

Cue a montage of silly 'challenges' of Jerry winning some challenges and also losing some. 
Then, the scene cuts to the final challenge. The big, burly, strong monsters stand behind the competition line as it's announced that they must jump off a 100ft tall cliff and land on a trampoline as their target. All the monsters fail in completing the challenge, either of cowardice or because they simply missed the trampoline target. 

Jerry watches on as injured monsters are rushed to hospital, one has fainted and another sports a broken leg. Terrified but determined, he steps up to the edge of the cliff and looks down. 
A red dot in the midst of crashing waves. Regret clutches at his chest. Big mistake.

He turns around to see his child watching on. Reassured, he closes his eyes and makes the jump.
Because of his tiny stature, he manages to land on the trampoline and also bounce right back up.  

Jerry wins the bravery competition and proves to the monsters that tiny doesn't mean that you aren't brave. Most importantly, Jerry proves to his child that tiny doesn't mean helpless.

The prize is a spork. 


I'm planning to use 2D animation.


An estimate of 2 ~ 3 minutes.