Friday 27 February 2015

FOR TEAM VELOETOILE: Shots 66 BLOCKED Version02 [new]

I've decided to redo the poses of shot 66 because I felt the previous movement was too vigorous for an injured patient. The biggest factor was trying to work out the timing, I took reference but tried to learn from it and not copy the ref to a tee - I've added 80 frames more to the initial frame count

FOR TEAM OLD LADY: Photo Booth Backgrounds

The finished backgrounds for the last scene of the film, there were a few alterations along the way such as flipping some scenes and scrapping a few but it was not a problem.

BG 48/SHOT 80 
with alternative foreground poster (jen suggested having an advertisement on chickens instead of a bag sale)

 (Edith's POV shot of the bag) - we decided to flip the image because we want Edith to come into the camera from the left so that it doesn't break the continuity (from prev. scene and also her following the couple)

BG 51/SHOT 84
Edith waddles in from the left and pounces onto the bag; then sfx of printing is heard (we decided to scrap BG 50/SHOT 83 - medium shot of Edith walking towards booth - because we felt it was unnecessary)

BG 52/SHOT 85
close up of photo slot where the photo's will pop out the machine (the front rectangle is on a different layer and we're hoping to make it transparent in post-production)

BG 54/SHOT 87 + BG 53/SHOT 86
Edith sits up and looks at the photos (decided to merge shot 86 and 87 together to make it less complicated)

BG 63/SHOT 99
last shot of the film: edith smiles at her own photographs

Tuesday 24 February 2015

FOR TEAM VELOETOILE: Shots 64, 65 & 67 Version 02

Playblasts of shots 64, 65 and 67; I have shot 63 & 68 as well but there isn't much changes to them so I've decided not to repost it. I don't feel satisfied with shot 66 so I've decided to change a few key poses around and start it up from blocking, which I will hopefully post later on in the week.

Wednesday 18 February 2015

FOR TEAM OLD LADY: Mall Backgrounds: Background 45 (shot 79)

Forgot to post this! I added an indent in the arch (top-left), that's about it but I thought might as well show the alteration! 

new version with arch indent

the old version

Saturday 14 February 2015

FOR TEAM OLD LADY: Photo Booth Backgrounds (BG 48 & 49)

With the director (Emma)'s request, I redrew the backgrounds according to Hillary's feedback on the background perspectives. Emma drew out the new perspective in line and I used that as a guide, I drew BG 48 in class which allowed us to discuss any changes such as making the photo booth not attached to the wall and adding a bin.

Emma's line drawing following Hillary's feedback on perspective that I used as a guide

BG 48/ SHOT 80

BG 49/ SHOT 82

BG 49/ SHOT 82 - possibly with the handbag (because it's a still shot)

BG 49/ SHOT 82 - shadow on the handbag, makes it blend but I'm not sure if we're using that much shadow for objects that can be moved

Saturday 7 February 2015

FOR TEAM OLD LADY: Bus Stop Backgrounds [REVISED with Hillary Feedback]

BG 11/ SHOT 19

Edith's POV shot
BG 13/ SHOT 21

BG 14/ SHOT 22 + 25

BG 21/ SHOTS25+26+41+42

BG 21 - with bus guide (give to Jen)
After Hillary had a look at Team Old Lady's animatic, she suggested better shots that we've decided to go with such as bringing the cam for the establishing shot (BG11/SHOT19) lower; adding Edith looking down the road and her POV shot; scrapping the wide shot of the bus with a different angle.

To save time, we've decided to have the bus stop seem in the middle of nowhere instead of a street - this is also because the opening shot of the film is being redone and I don't know what the houses will end up looking like exactly to make the backgrounds consistent throughout the film. I've also altered BG 13 and 14 slightly.

Wednesday 4 February 2015

FOR TEAM VELOETOILE: Storyboard Changes (seq 05, 06 & 08)

Sequence 05, the first race - replaced the trophy wipe with a cut to a flag wave (to indicate that he's won)
Sequence 06 - redrew the background perspective so it's more accurate

Sequence 06 - redrew the protagonist in the last panels

Sequence 08 - altered the last two panels (Sc04, PNL 08&09)

Sequence 08 - Added a panel where the protagonist looks up to see his dad + a close-up of them together