Wednesday 1 October 2014

Themed Moodboards

Themes presented in the story: bravery, helplessness and being the 'odd one out'. 
I took a few photographs as primary sources but the collages are dominated mostly by secondary sources to convey the topics.

Bravery in society can be very subtle sometimes. I tend to see bravery as people being able to 'pick themselves up' and walk into danger - regardless of them knowing or not knowing what's coming.

The definition of being helpless is being "unable to defend oneself or to act without help."

Being bound to something, unable to escape - as if your hands were tied. Or, the simulation of drowning where your whole body is literally being pulled down by the ocean.

Socially, we can feel helpless because it feels like we cannot act. The fact of being "unable to defend oneself" can appear everywhere, no matter how subtle.

Registering something as the 'odd one out', translates to the eye seeing something different amongst a crowd.

Visually, our eye catches anything that contrasts.
If the different characteristics of the 'odd one' is subtle, it suggests more of a hidden or lacking feature from that certain individual.
Using juxtaposition by exaggerating the feature, or trait, allows the viewer to know who is the 'odd one' at a glance.

I took a few photographs to explore in what ways I could display this.

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