Sunday 29 March 2015


The green box is the photo-strip, and the purple thing is the bag!


This is only 32 frames, so I added writing because the loop looked funny. Because this is just over a second, I gave everyone minimal movement. I wasn't sure how to draw Edith with her face slumped on the poster so hopefully it fits in with the scenes before and after it, (I can always redraw if it doesn't fit). I'm having doubts about animating Fred's mouth; I wanted the couple to not draw attention away from Edith but also not be completely static.


There's no voices but I tried to at least make it seem like they're having a conversation. I like to imagine Helen is telling a bad joke and Fred is laughing along, it would be funny if there were voices! Also, the red is a substitute for the photo booth curtain - I haven't drawn in Fred's hand (like in the animatic) because I think a crease to show that he's grabbed it should be fine.

FOR TEAM COLOURLESS: SHOT 39 Version 01 (+ SHOT 14 flipped)


SHOT 14 - flipped the teddy around
Did shot 39 a while ago, had another go at it - it's a weird shot to stare at, sometimes it looks fine and sometimes not - I'll see if I change my mind...
Realised the teddy bear (in shot 14) is supposed to be facing the other way so I flipped it!


After Hilary's advice, we decided to have a camera follow Bianca move instead of splitting the shots. Here, the green box is the camera. This is mostly to test the timing of the whole shot, it's 176 frames at the moment.

Saturday 28 March 2015

FOR TEAM COLOURLESS: Character Design: Generic Background girl character Version03 [+side_view]

added a side-view at Sara (the director)'s request

FOR TEAM COLOURLESS: Version 03 of the Book prop [high res]

Hope this is high resolution! I smoothed a few things out too, like the text and outlines of the book. Also, I deleted the white background so it can transfer easily into flash without a bg. This picture is in PNG format.

Saturday 14 March 2015

FOR TEAM VELOETOILE: Shots 08, 09 & 10 Version 01 [BLOCKED/ KEYED]

Roughed out versions for shots 08, 09 & 10. 
Got to play around with the new Jumbie rig, it's not fully-finished yet so there's a few glitches here and there but it was enough for roughing every thing out.

Shot 08 has the most work done to it because I couldn't seem to picture how you would get on a bike, so in the end I filmed reference. I have a few bikes lying around in the garden shed, also received a bike with the same handle as Jumbies so that was lucky! 

Friday 13 March 2015

FOR TEAM OLD LADY: Shots 05 [Vers.02] & 09 [ROUGHS]

Shot 05 [Version 02]
 I re-animated the second half of shot 05, adding that holding the duster pose that I quite liked - although I'm still a bit dubious about the spin that she does...

Shot 09
Shot 09

I'm quite satisfied with shot 09, all the props in the scene are substitutes for the moment. The last pose in this shot is held for 4 frames, but I've lengthened it because of the gif loop.

FOR TEAM OLD LADY: Shots 05, 06 & 08 [ROUGHS]

Shot 05
I've done an older version of this shot a while back, but decided to alter the poses - in the end, I still don't feel satisfied with this shot and might come between a compromise of the two shots that I've done
Shot 06
When I was animating this shot, I was concerned about the frailty of Edith - would an old woman be able to kneel successfully (without pain)? Looking at the animatic, I concluded that she's quite sprightly but still wanted to add that old-woman-vibe so I added a pained expression and slowed down her movement.
Shot 08
Shot 08's action is easier compared to the other two shots, but being able to convey that the photo-strip (represented by a stick of grass, I will animate it after I get her movement's finalised) is important to her and holds loving memories proved difficult.

I was also assigned Shot 09, which I've done an older version of (as with Shot 05) but decided to tweak it to fit Shot 06's actions (which I will post later).