Tuesday 21 October 2014

Alt Storybeat shots: for Team Colourless

Alternative shots, I've only managed to do 3 shots at the moment - shots 01, 02 and 04.
I've also realized I've forgotten the pan in shot one, but I guess the alternative is one establishing shot with loads of posters (of 'coloured' celebrities) strewn about the room and walls and then a shot of the magazine shes reading through - then her looking out the window.

I've also altered the environment in shot 01 to have her reading on a window nook instead of her bed, I think this will make a better transition and won't cause a hassle of "how does she look out the window in quick manner?". I also like how a nook can portray how shes 'closed off' and shy to the world, as a nook is generally used as a quiet place to read.
Example of a window nook (pictured right)

More alternative storyboards on the left.

Alternative Storybeats work for Sara: http://teamsaradegreeshowfilm.blogspot.co.uk/

Team Velo Etoile: Animation Research

Analysation of Marcel Kittel, the sprinter.
Screenshots taken from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWaZMAvwzOA (Marcel Kittel - The Journey Begins)
I have the clean version of the screenshots (where you can see the times and other cyclists) and then I have my analysed version. 
Times 1:04 and 1:05 consist of 6 frames each; 1:06 consists of two frames.
This is only a straight on shot of him, I will work on analysing side views of sprinter cyclists later.

Animation research done for Alison: http://teamveloetoile.tumblr.com/

Alt. Storybeats for Team Velo Etoile

 I did a few storybeats to help suggest camera angles and placing for Team Velo Etoile. This is also seen on the team blog under #hana

(http://teamveloetoile.tumblr.com/) - The team velo etoile blog

Saturday 11 October 2014

Team VeloEtoile: Reference for cycling

Youtube has a great feature where you can slow down the video, I found video's of Alberto Contador's races and print-screened the needed frames.

Team VeloEtoile: Animation research of cyclists

 I had a look at two of the many cyclists that Alison recommended for research, Mark Cavendish and Alberto Contador.

Firstly, I examined Cavendish's form through the power of youtube, I examined how the cyclist's body moves in conjunction with the bicycle.

I found that when the cyclist accelerates, the bike sways and tilts - making it more unbalanced but builds momentum.